The device is not just one more thing in the room or on a wall, it is also a good complement to the ambiance you want to achieve in that specific setting.Isabela Simoes, Administrative Assistant at Master Electronics
I love the idea of Joan. It’s something different, more professional, sharper looking. It is easy to install, plus people don’t want to walk up to another LCD.Russ Wilcox, founder and former CEO of E Ink
We are happy with our Joan. I don’t know if it saves us time, but it definitely saves us the embarrassment of double booking our conference room.Sergio Melgoza, IT specialist at MTD Micro Molding
No longer can people acquire a meeting room as a result of opportunism, and no longer can people play ignorant.Joan Tanous, Administrative Coordinator Cambridge Cancer Genomics
We chose Joan as it offered a good solution for boardroom management – taking away the hassle from our office manager.Chris Bryan, Head of UK Operations & Networks at executivechannelnetwork.co.uk
We have more insight into room utilization thanks to the backend report Joan provides.Jamie McFarling, Systems and Cloud Administrator at Bartlett & West
Once I looked at your onboarding packet it was pretty straightforward.Alissa Williams, Executive Assistant at Thrive
They certainly look good with the color (or monochrome) scheme that we have gone within the new area.Edd Thompson, Joint Head of IT & Services at Besso
Yes, we love both our Joans. It’s completely changed how we manage our meeting rooms and I would say we would not be able to manage things effectively without them.John Smyth, Rubicoin
Joan is an excellent solution for any company that’s looking for transparent and effective assistance in organizing meetings.Maja Koprivec Perjet, business secretary at GEN-I
Joan changed our meeting room planning by not changing it.Olaf Dubbert, QSS Manager at Lyreco Deutschland GmbH